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Middlesbrough Environment City
A charity dedicated to promoting healthy and sustainable living using the ten principles of One Planet Living, and create sustainable change through community action and events.
Our goal is to improve the quality of life for our community, through sustainability and the promotion of healthy living, whilst reducing the impact on Earth’s resources.

Middlesbrough Foodbank
We don’t think anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why we provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to us in crisis. Working in partnership with The Salvation Army we are about to launch a Debt Management service which will offer long term support to clients in financial difficulty.


Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust
The Trust is leading on research into food insecurity for adults living with Severe Mental Illness. The findings of this research will be of interest to the partnership. The Trust will share the work of the partnership, promoting opportunities to access healthful, sustainable food for people who use its services.

Groundwork works to mobilise practical community action on poverty and the environment. We are passionate about improving people’s prospects by improving people’s confidence, health and wellbeing and reducing poverty; Creating better places by helping people make their surroundings greener, safer and healthier and promoting greener living and working by helping reduce environmental impact and climate change.


Middlesbrough Moving Forward

Teesside University


Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health, brings together the five North East Universities in a unique collaboration to deliver world-class research to improve health and wellbeing and tackle inequalities. The Centre has six research programmes: Behaviour change, Complex systems, Early life and adolescence, Health inequalities, Healthy ageing and Translational research. Fuse is a founding member of the NIHR School for Public Health Research (SPHR).

Together Middlesbrough & Cleveland – Feast of Fun
A charity working with local community organisations, churches, and faith groups to help strengthen communities across Middlesbrough and Redcar & Cleveland. TM&C’s Food Insecurity work includes co-ordinating Feast of Fun – a partnership of local churches, community groups and schools delivering holiday activities with healthy food.

131 The Venue